2nd hand machines

If you would like to enquire about any of my 2nd hand machines for sale here on my site then please do contact me & I will try to accommodate your enquires.


Hi! & Welcome to my 2nd hand machines, some of the machines that come through my door can be a good 100 years old - that's really cool... I have worked on machines from the mid- late 1800's.

2nd hand machines are great when they work nicely - well; even brand new machines to work nicely is a start but lets get to business.

When I get hold of a 2nd hand machine, I want to make sure:

(A) I have decent parts for them IF they need replacing.

(B) The machine can be made Safe, functional, fit for purpose & is going to last.

B is most important but to have a bit of backup for my customers goes along way also.


These are great - so well built & zillion's made weekly - Wartime 1940's; quite a few machine's would have been thrown into the furnace to help RAF produce Spitfires - well used I think.

Thankfully many folks did not & so we still have history to thank for leaving us these fine specimens.

This machine I have fully serviced (was seized now really smooth running); I have also added a Hand-crank mechanism to her for added control. (Did you know - that with a hand-crank the machine is more controllable; this also means less chance of missed stitches - Perfect for children, young teens, grown ups & the elderly to use.. - this machine utilises a circular drop-in bobbin type & really easy to thread. 

These machines can tackle a layer or 2 of fine delicates & in my test I have sewn through approximately 5mm of leather & the machine wanted more.

If you have a machine like one of these don't throw them on the rubbish tip - you will be kicking your self when you need some thing reliable as backup.


comes with 2 year guarantee.

SInger 99k EF-249216



50000 were made on July 29th 1949 & this is 1 of them.

 Comes with packet of needles, 5 extra bobbins, box of attachments as seen in pictures & original manual + a free 30min demonstration.